Saturday, February 15, 2014

Sepia Saturday - The Crowd

 Sepia Saturday

Chicago Freedom March, 1963

In celebration of Black History Month, I selected this photo of "the crowd" in Grant Park in Chicago, Illinois. This photo was taken on July 4, 1963, during the Chicago Freedom March era.  The rally was part of a larger six day NAACP Convention which began in the city on July 1, 1963.  Mayor Richard J. Daley led the march through the city, down State Street, and to the rally in Grant Park.

March down State Street, Chicago Tribune Collection, 1963

 At the rally, Myrlie Evers the wife of slain civil rights' leader Medgar Evers received the NAACP's 48th Spingarn Medal posthumously for her husband's outstanding leadership.  Mayor Daley opened the rally with a welcome address but was quickly booed off the stage by the crowd who did not favor his political policies.  Forty-five years later President Obama's election night rally was held in the same location. As  long-time residents of Chicago, my family has very fond memories of both events.


Please visit Sepia Saturday to see other amazing photo-posts. 


  1. Huge crowd. Any idea who was the speaker?

    1. The rally was part of a larger six day NAACP Convention in the city which began on July 1, 1963. At the rally, Myrlie Evers the wife of slain civil right's leader Medgar Evers received the NAACP's Spingarn Medal posthumously for her husband's outstanding leadership. Mayor Richard J. Daley led the parade to Grant Park, but was booed off the stage by the crowd at the rally for saying there were go black ghettoes in Chicago.

  2. Smart combination of photo prompt and current events. Your post makes me realize that I'm the world's worst when it comes to PLANNING -- I never think to check the calendar as a way to tie the past and present together.

    1. Thanks Wendy, I appreciate your feedback. Although, I'm not always such a great planner. :)

  3. Whoa! Now THAT'S a crowd! As Wendy says, a clever duo of Sepia prompt and what's happening in the present.

  4. Great post, we always hear about the marches in DC but seldom elsewhere in the country. Although we moved east when I was two, I was born outside Chicago and feel something of a connection to it. Go Hawks!

    1. Thank you Anna. Most people are only familiar with the DC March but they were happening all over the country. Yes, the Hawks are something to be proud of. :)

  5. A neat spin on the theme. I think every city, great and small, needs a grand public space for urban events like this. I went to a rally this past fall in my small city and the sight of thousands of people (not as many as Chicago of course) and hearing the speakers live and unfiltered by the media was truly inspiring.

    1. Thanks Mike. I agree. There is nothing like being with a crowd that can inspire your thinking and energize your actions. I come from a Union family so I have been involved on both sides of the Rally.
